Monday, March 17, 2008


I had an MRI done for my lumbar and left knee. I don't really like doctors. Here is the report:

Reduction in the degree of normal lordosis suggest muscle spasm. There is no listhesis.
There is an extrusion of the L5 S1 disc in a left paracentral direction.
This impinges upon the left S1 root.

Doctors suggestion: Physio- Ultra sound, electro therapy and traction.
                                 Lay of cycling till this weekend and see the progress.
                                 Could still race in Thailand, just not sure how much training I can do.

Friday I went for swim workout, the main set was pull and kick, there's not much pain when I swim. Just felt the left side of my back a lil stiff.

Saturday I ran for 30mins, the pain was not so much on the back. I feel it more on the left glutes and ITB. And then did core after.

Sunday I actually didn't want to run but after doing nothing I decided to run on the treadmill at home as it was really HOT outside. After a 20mins run I stopped wanting to stretch my ITB, I was standing on with my legs on the side. Suddenly I felt like I can't see anything and my heart was beating very fast so I put my head down and the next thing I knew my brother was calling my name. I passed out, and my mum came flying down the stairs. It was quite scary, the whole day I was feeling a lil light headed. So many thought were flying through my mind. Have to see doctor again tomorrow, maybe take a blood test.


SaifulAzri said...

take care.. get some rest

Kimmy said...

i wish I could, but i have a race on the 28th

Unknown said...

kim congrats with silver..WOW
is that the only event you are taking part in, in sukma???
keep it up!!