Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Chinese New Year

After flying home on thursday, my mum booked my flights back to home town on friday. Apparently my aunt from my mum's side had stroke, she couldn't talk and couldn't recognize anyone. It has affected the left side of her brain. Unfortunately I didn't make it home in time to see her, she's still alive but my family was heading to MIRI to see my dad's cousin.

Back in November my dad's cousin felt his feet going numb, and after a few weeks he couldn't feel his legs. Now he's bed ridden, nobody knows the cause of it. He use to be so active, black belt in Karate and diving for an off shore company. I was very glad I made it back to see him, it was a very sad moment. We couldn't stay long with him because my brother and I had to resume training but we contributed some money to help their family. I guess everything happens for a reason.

During that few days we managed to visit some old family members and friends. It was so nice to see them again, that place brought back so much sweet memories for me. 


bola2api said...

hi kim,

happy CNY and happy training!


Kimmy said...
